The Supremes, Judicial Tyranny and Gay Marriage


            Five lawyers in black robes, sitting on the Supreme Court, have decided for the country the definition of marriage.  They know better than 320 million people, the fifty states and their democratically elected state legislatures.  Determining the nature of marriage is not mentioned in the Constitution.  Deciding its definition is not a power of the federal government.  It is left to the states and the people.  But we are no longer ruled by law or the Constitution but by judicial (and executive) decree.  There is a term for this.  Judicial tyranny. 

            This decision is an assault not just on Christianity but all faiths, our culture, and on American civilization, which is based on the Judeo-Christian tradition.  It is an attack on common sense, federalism, separation of powers, and the Constitutional system.  But we live in a post-Constitutional age, under attack by the progressive (regressive) left that seeks to turn our culture on its head, and to undermine the two great impediments to centralized government, the traditional married family and the church.  These are the twin pillars of the civil society, which stand between the individual and the central government.  

            This decision is but the latest salvo of the sexual revolution and its war on the family and Christianity.  Abortion, radical feminism, gay marriage and transgender issues are all of a piece. This latest gambit contorting marriage into something it is not will make Roe v. Wade, which imposed abortion on the fifty states, pale in comparison. What will come next, throuples? Quartets?  Lease-a-Marriage?  Now that the requirement of sexual complementarity has been broken, why should they not be accorded rights? 

            But five leftist judges cannot redefine marriage. It remains a union between a man and a woman, a natural, organic institution based on nature and biology that precedes the political order.  Its purpose is to civilize the mating process and to provide the best environment for children to grow in.  It is not about validating the adult relationship of your choice or satisfying elite opinion but creating new life.

            With this decision, the five judges, the left, and the Democrat Party, have unleashed a firestorm of cultural warfare and litigation that will tear this nation apart.  We must defend traditional marriage in the meantime and pursue other measures including Congressional efforts and a Constitutional amendment to reign in our lawless courts and restore marriage.




  • Steve Uebelhor

    July 15, 2015

    Excellent insight.

  • Steve Uebelhor

    July 15, 2015

    Excellent insight.

  • Steve Uebelhor

    July 15, 2015

    Excellent insight.

  • Debra J. Lawyer

    July 15, 2015

    Thank you Dr. Moss for your insight and wisdom. Keep writing and fighting for our nation.

    Bless you.

  • Debra J. Lawyer

    July 15, 2015

    Thank you Dr. Moss for your insight and wisdom. Keep writing and fighting for our nation.

    Bless you.

  • Debra J. Lawyer

    July 15, 2015

    Thank you Dr. Moss for your insight and wisdom. Keep writing and fighting for our nation.

    Bless you.

  • Angela Thomson

    July 15, 2015

    It won't be long that pedophiles want their 'rights' also. They will say the same as the gays, that it is 'love', and WHO they love, including children, is none of our business. After all, our children belong to the government, right?

  • Nazrul Alfiansyah

    July 28, 2015

    Great article

  • Lucas Gautier

    March 16, 2016

    I'm sorry, but this article lacks any evidence and uses weak rhetorical techniques to "fire up" conservatives in order to get political points, in the hopes of gaining election. The modern concept of marriage came about in the seventeenth century, and isn't some timeless institution as you seem to claim it is. But let's start with the beginning of this piece: "Five lawyers in black robes..." this opening only exists to frighten readers. "They know better than 320 million people..." except that a majority of those people agree with them; admittedly, it isn't a vast majority, but it is more than 50%. ( "Determining the nature of marriage is not mentioned in the Constitution..." and neither is most of what the government has done for the past 200 years. We've had to make it up as we go along, because the founding father couldn't' predict everything. Jefferson even argued that each generation should write their own Constitution, because of how quickly it could become outdated. "This decision is an assault not just on Chrisianity, but all faiths" Ridiculous, no law is going to force Christian ministers or priests to marry same-sex couples or force Christians to marry people of the same gender. The institution of marriage is not monopolized by the church, but the sacrament is. Take heart knowing that the sacrament remains untouched. While the legal nature of marriage has changed, it was never in agreement with Christianity to begin with, because, as much as we both would like it to be, this isn't a Christian nation, nor has it ever been. Should you wish to form one, I would be happy to join, let me know. Since marriage became a legal contract, it;s destruction (divorce) has been legal, and that is clearly against Christian teaching. I argue that marriage shouldn't be acknowledged by the courts or the government to begin with, but that's my libertarian half showing. On the note that this will pale Roe v. Wade: are you serious? One legalized the murder of human individuals, the other let's two people of the same gender get a tax deduction and a certificate that says they're married. After that you use basic hyperbole to scare the audience once again. Now to the final paragraph, no, the left have not unleashed a political firestorm that will tear this nation apart, the Supreme Court made a decision you don't agree with. And while some decisions are worth fighting, this isn't one of them.

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