Jason Collins, The Media, And The Gay Agenda


By now almost everyone has learned of the incredible news, a saga of almost unprecedented courage and triumph, high character and moral rectitude.  And across the media and political firmament, there has been an outpouring of praise, plaudits, and acclaim for this singular achievement, for surely this moment must rank with the great milestones of history: the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and even the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.  Yes, the world has been renewed, somehow made better, and, perhaps, now, after this epoch-making revelation, we can move forward into a brave and glorious future, emboldened by the historic announcement by NBA player Jason Collins... that he is gay.

With the event and its aftermath now over, including the hysterical performance of the media, not to mention a misguided but entirely predictable Presidential phone call, one must ask - other than for the obvious misfits - who really cares?  Of what significance is it to anyone what kind of sex Collins enjoys?  And how does such an announcement come to be equated with audacity and heroism, a breakthrough for civil rights, even a Jackie Robinson moment? 

Such over-the-top comparisons are in fact insulting to the memory of Jackie Robinson, an authentic American hero who faced institutionalized and rampant racism when he singlehandedly broke baseball’s color barrier in 1947 with the Brooklyn Dodgers, paving the way for a deluge of talented black athletes and later Hispanics who would come to dominate much of American sports.  Robinson’s efforts opened the doors not just for black athletes, but for blacks in all walks of life, leading today to our first black President, a man, I suspect Robinson, a Republican, would not have favored.  

Gays today face nothing of the systemic and unchecked bigotry that Robinson confronted.  Such hapless and trite comparisons are, in fact, a complete perversion of reality.  There is nothing particularly intrepid today in declaring that one is a homosexual; to be gay is “cool” by current lights; homosexuals are accepted in American society, showcased in a multitude of cultural venues and programs, in the media, the academy, and Hollywood, treated as members of an enlightened vanguard, given every advantage and protection, and extolled as paragons of virtue and sobriety, heroic even, as we have seen with the bizarre obsession and carnival celebration over Collins’s unremarkable admission.  This was hardly the treatment afforded Robinson in his time, as the recent movie about his life, “42,” amply demonstrates. 

The far more difficult (but infinitely more beneficial) admission by a prominent black athlete (and, truth be told, Collins is a back-bencher), who was, say, happily married and with children, particularly as the black community has been devastated by soaring rates of illegitimacy, would have been to have declared that he was heterosexual, devoted to wife and children, and believed deeply in the institution of marriage as the union of a man and woman, and the single greatest model for raising children known to man, far better than any government program; an institution so critical to the health of a society that it must not be diminished in anyway through the common acceptance of such alternative templates as “gay marriage.” 

Had such an individual spoken thusly, why the gates of hell themselves would have opened upon him and engulfed him and his beloved family in searing flames of calumny and scorn, an inferno of contempt and sneering opprobrium, with hateful accusations of bigotry visited upon him, and from the very likes as we have seen so smitten by their beloved gay athlete and his “courageous” statement.  Now that would have been courageous.

Nor does the Collin’s provocation and the media bacchanal do anything but distract from the moribund state of the nation, its flat line economy, exploding debt, collapsing welfare state, and the inundation of the nation with third world illegals possessing little education or skills and no English. 

But with the left and its media appendage, it is always about narratives and long-term goals, which, beneath the smiling patina of the charming news host or glib politician, the facade of tolerance and broad mindedness, they pursue with ardor and intensity.  Indeed, the homosexual agenda (along with its counterpart, “feminism”) is but another arrow in its quiver by which to undermine society, to fracture and uproot its time-honored institutions, and, particularly, to chip away at that great bulwark against collectivism, the traditional family.

Indeed, it is the traditional family, that critical but now crumbling edifice that stands in the way of the left’s efforts to level society into one vast, gray Soviet tapestry.  By weakening the traditional family, the “patriarchal,” “heteronormative” family, as many on the left see it, an oppressive institution, which degrades women, indoctrinates children, and creates autonomous domestic units ("families") that resist, through their independence and functionality, the encroaching state, the left can more fully dominate the public square. 

The media “celebration” over Collins’s announcement, a bizarre festival endorsing homosexuality, advocating and promoting it as something gallant and redemptive, even to be emulated, served to mock and humiliate those who hew to their traditions and religious beliefs, to undermine their values, to disable our vital institutions, and to, finally, prepare the ground for the collapse of the “heteronormative,” of a society based not on families with husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers, but centralized, authoritarian government. 

So, what, then, are we to make of a nation and its media that chirps and blathers like juveniles about a man declaring his sexual preferences, as if he had announced a cure for cancer?  Well, it reflects a nation in deep moral and cultural decline. 

It is time to challenge our liberal masters on every front including and, perhaps, most importantly, matters of culture.




  • Finn

    May 23, 2013

    Don't forget to check the number of gays in the district where you intend to seek public office. Could be up to 2 out of 10 voters.

  • Finn

    May 23, 2013

    Don't forget to check the number of gays in the district where you intend to seek public office. Could be up to 2 out of 10 voters.

  • Harvey Chaimowitz

    May 23, 2013

    I told you that you are the one who should shut his antiAmerican hole and allow the citizens to live their lives without your hatred and racism. You have done nothing for mankind whatsoever. I only fear that you are replacatng yourself in your trusting children and sending them out to continue your destruction.

  • Debra J. lawyer

    May 25, 2013

    Thank you, Dr. Moss. I admire your courage to speak truth.

  • James Rickenbach

    May 27, 2013

    Dr. Moss, I just finished a tour through two countries denouncing the irresponsibility of being indifferent toward biblical values. The God-designed family is the only hope for the future of any people that aspire to be a great nation. Great article. Onward and forward. No cost is too great to defend that which is not free and surely must exact all our powers to acquire.

  • James Rickenbach

    May 27, 2013

    Dr. Moss, I just finished a tour through two countries denouncing the irresponsibility of being indifferent toward biblical values. The God-designed family is the only hope for the future of any people that aspire to be a great nation. Great article. Onward and forward. No cost is too great to defend that which is not free and surely must exact all our powers to acquire.

  • Angela Thomson

    May 28, 2013

    I can't believe telling others how you like to have sex qualifies as any else but DISGUSTING!

  • john king

    September 28, 2013

    Well said, Dr. Moss. The family unit is to civilization what the cell is to the human body, that is, the building block. The way to destroy a civilization is to prevent male-female pair bonding and children by promoting degenerate "Sodom and Gomorrah" style lifestyles ... homosexuality, lesbianism and to create hate for men and motherhood via feminism. I have a wife of 15 years and two children. I am sick of homosexuals calling me "straight"! I am not "straight". I'm NORMAL. The New World Order international banking system is waging a constant war on Normality, everything that is normal. @Finn, there aren't enough queers and other sexual DEVIANTS to fit into a thimble here in Jasper. @Angela, the author has not said in this piece how he likes to have sex. Please put on your reading glasses or quit pullling things out of your keister! That's part of the problem, that we "sugar coat" things that are utterly disgusting. There is nothing "gay" (ie. happy) about two men rimming each others anuses! The more things change the more they stay the same. These sexual deviants are not progressive, they are regressive. They are trying to return civilization to a long past era where homosexuality, pedophilia, pederasty and infant sacrifice (abortion) were common place. These people are the Destroyers of Western Civilization dressed up in the moniker of "tolerance" and "human rights". It's time for us who are normal to come out of the closet and to proclaim our Normality. Straight pride, No! Normal pride, Yes! This video was removed from YouTube because it offended sexual deviants. But it is now hosted by people who, too, are normal. http://trutube.tv/video/6779/John-King-Comes-Out-of-the-Closet

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