Judge Roy Moore: Innocent Until Proven Guilty


Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Judge Roy Moore is Entitled to Due Process

Jasper, IN: Dr. Richard Moss, candidate for Congress, expressed concerns over the allegations against Judge Roy Moore. 

“Child Molestation and sexual assault can never be condoned and if proven Judge Moore should step down.  But the timing of the accusations against Judge Moore raises concerns.  The alleged events occurred 40 years ago.  Judge Moore has been a national figure for years.  The accusers raised the allegations only now, a month before the election. The news source is also an issue.  The liberal Washington Post had already endorsed Moore’s Democrat opponent, Doug Jones.  The mainstream media, including the Washington Post, has been notoriously inconsistent in its coverage of sexual assault accusations in the past.  Judge Moore denies the allegations.  He is entitled to due process like everyone else.  There is no way to adjudicate this before the election.  It is therefore up to the voters of Alabama to decide.”

“Judge Moore is a West Point Graduate, a Vietnam veteran, a distinguished jurist, loyal husband of 33 years, and a devoted father and grandfather.  He is a constitutional conservative who believes in limited constitutional government and balanced budgets.  He is also a God-fearing man who will defend the Judeo-Christian foundation of the country.”

Judge Moore, former twice elected Supreme Court Justice for Alabama, is famous for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the Alabama Judicial Building despite a federal court order to do so and for ordering Alabama judges to maintain the ban on gay marriage despite being overturned by the US Supreme Court.

“It would be good to have a constitutional and cultural conservative in the Senate to begin the long battle to take back our culture from the pagan left.  The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over the issue of marriage, no right to redefine marriage.  The Constitution does not mention it, and the matter should therefore be left to the people, the 320 million Americans that comprise our country, the fifty states and their fifty democratically elected state legislatures to decide.  It was one of the worst Supreme Court decisions ever handed down. It was right for Judge Moore to take a stand on the issue.”

“Judge Moore is Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s and the GOP establishment’s worse nightmare, a man who will not bend to current cultural fashions or PC trends. He will uphold the constitutional system and stand against the corruption of both political parties in Washington and the cultural Marxism of the left.”

"His opponent, Doug Jones, is a hard core leftist with radical positions on amnesty, DACA, securing the border, crime, abortion, LGBT rights, and gun control.  He will be a reliable vote for the most extreme positions of the Democrat Party.  The nation can ill afford such a Senator especially from Alabama.”  

Dr. Richard Moss is a board certified head and neck cancer surgeon and was a candidate for Congress in 2016. He graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine and has been in practice in Jasper and Washington, IN for over 20 years. He is married with four children. 

For more information visit RMoss4Congress.com. Contact us at hq@rmoss4congress.com. Find Moss For Congress on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


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